Friday, June 20, 2008

Beautiful Blue Flowers for a Wedding in the Ballroom

Today we have a wedding in the ballroom that has the most amazing flowers. I hope you enjoy seeing them.


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Special 50th Wedding Anniversary

This past weekend we had a very special 50th wedding anniversary here at the Hawthorne Hotel. It was the anniversary of John and Joanne Coppola, who were married right here at the Hawthorne Hotel in 1958. In fact, we have a photo that was part of the anniversary invitation for you to see that they were right upstairs in the Pickman Room, posed in front of the fireplace there.

So when we found out, we asked if we could blog their photo of this weekend's celebration as well, and they happily agreed.

Several other things that made this so special were that this party was a complete surprise party, arranged for by their son, Michael. He arranged to have them come for an overnight stay and getaway, to celebrate their anniversary, and told them he and a couple other people would meet them here for brunch. He didn't tell them what a party he had planned, and they were completely surprised. What a nice thing for him to do!

And, they got married exactly on June 15, which, that year was also Father's Day. You can tell that Michael is a wonderful son, to honor not only his Father, but also his Mother, in this special way.

We love being part of these terrific "life events" here at the Hawthorne Hotel, and hope you enjoy learning about them too.

Can we plan a special event for you?


Monday, June 16, 2008

More on the Wedding on the Common

If you want to see some snapshots of the rehearsal for this wedding, check out the Hawthorne Hotel blog, at .


Saturday, June 14, 2008

More photos of the wedding on the Common

A Wedding on the Common

Today there was a LOVELY daytime wedding on the Salem Common, right next door to the Hawthorne Hotel. Kristen Sooy married James Horgan this beautiful summer day. I shot some video of the event, so you could see just how close we are to the Gazebo on the Common, and what a lovely setting it is for an outdoor wedding.

One of the distinct advantages of using the Hawthorne Hotel and the Common as setting for an outdoor wedding and indoor reception is that we are able to offer an inclement weather alternative in the hotel.

A service that the Hawthorne Hotel Banquet Department offers to all of our wedding parties who have their receptions at the Hawthorne Hotel is to bring one of our waitstaff over to the Common with pitchers of ice water for everyone. We know that taking photos can be a thirsty job, so even if you don't have the ceremony there, but simply are using the Common for photos, it is one of the little touches that we will offer to you.

I hope you enjoy the videos.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Another Lovely Thank You Note

We love to read notes like this one. Thought it might be helpful to you, too. To read it more clearly, just click on the image.

I hope we can help with your wedding!


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our Wedding of the Month

Today we hosted a lovely daytime wedding in the Grand Ballroom of the Hawthorne Hotel. While the ceremony photo is not the best, we really had to post it, because it is just another example of how special this wedding was. Why, you ask? This was the groom's father, Ed Costa, who obtained a one-day license so he could perform the ceremony himself. He did such a beautiful job, maybe he has a future as a Justice of the Peace?


I hope we can help you make your wedding at the Hawthorne Hotel as special as this one, where Lauren Donnell became Mrs. Adam Costa.

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A Fabulous Wedding Cake

For today's wedding, our couple chose a pale, pale yellow cake with white decorations. I thought it was so lovely, and hope you enjoy seeing it too!


Here you see our server, Jonathan, putting the finishing touches on the tables just before we invited the guests in to dine.

I hope to see you here at the Hawthorne Hotel.

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Snapshots of a Perfect Wedding

Our professional wedding coordinators handle so much, from making sure everyone looks their best, to insuring that no service detail is unattended.

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Some Views of a Wonderful Wedding

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Lauren and Adam's Special Touches

How did we choose Lauren and Adam's wedding as our "Wedding of the Month" for the Hawthorne Hotel? You might think it was because of these special touches that enhanced the experience, but really, it was because of the love and enthusiasm that they had for everything. Most importantly, it was because, while enthusiatic and interested, they were both so calm and happy through the whole process, that we thought they epitomized the kind of couple we love to help get married, here at the Hawthorne Hotel.

Congratulations on displaying that rare combination of traits!

A birdcage was a great idea for gift cards!

A CD of some of their favorites as a favor. Get it? Favor = Favorites!

A memory box and pens embellished with roses. How sweet!

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A Wedding Filled With Love

Here you see one of Lauren's ring bearers with the special pillow hand-crafted by Adam's mother, another personal touch of this special wedding.

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Wedding of the Month at the Hawthorne Hotel

Each of the tables were named for one of Lauren and Adam's special places. The DJ thought the people sitting at the Fenway Park table were particularly fortunate.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

We LOVE to get emails like this one!

Hi Christine:

I just wanted to take a minute to let you know how happy we were with
our wedding reception we had at The Hawthorne on May 17. The service,
the food, and the organization that went into the night were all
exceptional. You, along with the rest of staff, truly helped to make it
a night we will never forget.

Thank you again, and best of luck in the future.

Brian and Betsy Harrahy

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another Thank You Note -- This time with photos

If you need to make it larger to be able to read it better, simply click on the image.
I hope to be able to feature your wedding in this blog. If you want me to do that, be sure to let your catering manager know.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Some help in your research regarding the Hawthorne Hotel

I recently discovered that Trip Advisor has a forum that discussed Weddings at the Hawthorne Hotel. I thought you might be interested in this forum, so here is the link:

If you do go there, and it is helpful to you, please let us know.

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