Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sweet Wedding for Tatyana and Michael in Friends' Lovely Home in Durham!

Tatyana contacted me in September to see if I could officiate her wedding to Michael. I was so glad I was available the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 27, 2010. We made all the arrangements by email, snail mail and phone. I sent them a proposed ceremony based on what she said they wanted and they edited it to their liking. They especially wanted to include Michael's 5 year old son, Alexander, who had really bonded with Tatyana (and her toy "fluffball" poodle, Gabby). So, I put the family unity sand ceremony in and it was perfect.
When Marty and I arrived for the wedding, the guests were all ready. Here are the sand ceremony containers. Tatyana's white sand with red sparkles also had a pair of ladybugs on top symbolizing good luck.
Tatyana is from the Ukraine and has lived in the States a few years. She and Michael met through friends about a year ago and fell in love. Their friends, Jerry and Diana, offered to host their wedding in their lovely home. Jerry is an artist and above is a photo of the portrait he painted of Michael and Tatyana as a wedding gift. He is very talented. He was also serving as wedding photographer for the day!
 I was told that Diana and Jerry also made this beautiful wedding cake!
The guests were all assembled in the sunken living room. Tatyana greeted me when I arrived, gave me the marriage license then dashed upstairs to change into her wedding dress. That handsome little boy on the chair on the left is Alexander being a perfect gentleman before being called to escort in the bride.
Here come Alexander and Tatyana. He had rehearsed his answer to my question and did a great job! Then he went to sit with his Aunt Vanessa and cousin, Kaylee, who was our ring bearer.
And, the ceremony began. Tatyana and Michael wanted to thank their parents. Michael's parents, Annette and Kenneth, live in Raleigh and were with us in person. Tatyana's mother, Valentina, was with us via virtual technology from the Ukraine. In our prayer we remembered her father, Valerrii, who has passed on, .
Tatyana ran over to the Skype and "hugged" her mother! So sweet!

Michael had written a wonderful poem to Tatyana as a "pre-proposal" and we included it in the ceremony. Here he is reading it to Tatyana whose eyes filled up with tears.
Then she gave him a hug!
After they said their vows to each other and exchanged rings, it was time for the sand ceremony. Alexander loved being a part of this and pouring his own sand into the container.
 The KISS!
A blessing after the pronouncement...........
Presentation of the newlyweds to their guests!
Tatyana is beaming, Michael too, and she is waving to her mother.
  Time for some photos for this newly joined family! Not only do Michael and Tatyana love each other, Alexander and Tatyana are absolutely enchanted with each other and it shows!
The weather was so nice and the colors so pretty, we stepped out into the front yard for some photos. Michael and Tatyana, may all your dreams come true. I wish you the best of everything!

As I was preparing this post, this touching thank you note came in from Tatyana and Michael:

Dear Kayelily,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the beautiful and very touching ceremony!
You truly made it special!!!

Would you like us to e-mail you some pictures from the ceremony when they get edited?

Thank you again and the best of everything to you and your family!!!

Happy Healthy Holiday Season to you and yours!

With a Lot of Gratitude,
Michael and Tatyana

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hawaiian Wedding for Betsy and David!

Did you miss me? No post last week because I had no weddings last weekend. Typically in November weddings drop off drastically  from the hectic rush in October. I appreciated having the weekend free! This Thanksgiving weekend I have two small weddings. This post is about the first one which took place on Black Friday November 26, 2010! It sure was not a black day for Betsy and David though. What a love story they have!
The weather was overcast with occasional sprinkles and we found a good break from the rain and gathered for the ceremony outdoors in the backyard where ribs were barbecuing! Here's the gang tending the ribs, including Suzie, the golden lab who was such a sweet and well behaved dog.

When Betsy contacted me in September to officiate their wedding, she explained that she and David were both divorced and had known each other since 7th grade! Seems they had grown up and gone their separate ways but met again at their 30th high school class reunion and both of them "instantly felt at home." David still lives in West Virginia where they grew up. He owns a business and is also a river raft guide down the beautiful Gauley and New Rivers in W.VA. Betsy is a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner in South Carolina. She will be spending the month of December moving to W.VA and starting a new job in January. They chose to meet in the middle for their wedding at Betsy's brother's house in the Oak Park area of Raleigh.  They were so excited and so happy to have re-discovered each other after all those years.
David's father was Hawaiian and so they wanted to honor his heritage by having a Hawaiian themed wedding. In fact, most of their guests wore Hawaiian shirts. Betsy and David wore garments made of the same fabric. I got the chance to wear a pretty caftan my husband gave me a few years ago. Above are the two young girls holding the leis the couple will exchange during the ceremony.
That is Betsy's brother, David, standing up for her on the right. Betsy and David each wore a white flower on one ear.
The ceremony began with these words: "Aloha! To the Hawaiians, Aloha is more than just a greeting. Aloha is a way of life, so much so, they are said to live the spirit of aloha. This spirit is a sense of love and friendship to all people. It is in this respect that David and Betsy wish to say 'Aloha' to you and to thank you all for sharing in the joy of their wedding."
"Giving a lei symbolizes the love, affection, and respect you have for the person you are giving the lei to. It is a beautiful way to express your eternal love Hawaiian style on your wedding day. So now, Betsy and David, I ask you each to adorn each other with a lei along with the customary kiss on the cheek before you exchange rings."  David put a beautiful lei of fresh white flowers on Betsy.
Betsy put a beautiful lei of green leaves around David's neck.
Now for the beautiful rings they exchanged.
David is just towering over Betsy and me! What a gentle giant he is. Betsy and David, aloha to you and I wish you all the happiness and love in the world! I am so happy you found each other again!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wendo Mbutu's Wedding

Beautiful stylish bride Wendo Mbutu and her soulmate James Kabagire celebrated their wedding in a stylish way

We post Wendos wedding in February 2010 but here we want to show you the Elegant Bride maids look

At  st. Peters' that day there were more than 15 weddings and Wendo with her team shined more than any other wedding there! in kiswahili terms walifunika!!

Elegant bridemaids

Handsome Groomsmen

Stay Blessed always

We love you Wendo

Elegant Bridemaids

Make your bride maids’ feels great by dressing them in a long clean stylish dress

Note: dresses from dressy, Misty, Bari jay and

Rock with Peach and brown! fab.

 Beautiful brown Chiffon

fab style in deep blue

sweet dark silver dress

beautiful taffeta carrot and yellow gold 

Elegant peach long dress

sweet green chiffon

fab. plitts one shoulder in blue

beautiful yellow-gold dress

Elegant one shoulder aquare-marine dress

lovely chocolate brown and light brown V-dresses

 Fabulous ocean blue dress

You can order bridemaids dresses from us..... KARIBU SANA!!

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