..like a wedding dress, this jumpsuit is covered with white lace, sequin embellishment and crystals.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Jumpsuit with wedding touch!!
Kuna biharusi alishawahi niuliza kama anaweza tengeneza a nice jumpsuit for her wedding day! Rose Byrne on Screen Actors Guild awards shows you how it will look like!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Yasmin's Getting Married
Some more Exciting news…… Our very own resident blogger and honeymoon and travel expert, Yasmin is getting married! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Yasmin got engaged over New Year to her beautiful fiance Matthew and we are so excited to have the opportunity to come along on this journey with her as she begins the overwhelming task of planning a big (Italian style) wedding.
We will be creating a special page for Yasmin to share her thoughts and progress with you all and hope you will join us as hopefully there will plenty of laughs and fun along the way and not too many tears and stress. She has already begun preparations for the Engagement party so stay tuned for all of her tips on how to create some amazing ideas while not spending a fortune.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Rebecca Kasika and Faraja Mafuru
It was a wow moment in Arusha town, when our very own Rebecca married her sweetheart Faraja last month...
...looking stunningly beautiful with a perfect pearl Cinderella wedding gown from Wedding Bells
....entering the church...
....just married....
beautiful garden and decor ....just love it!
...as they enter...
the cake...so sweeeeeeet...
Picture Moment
..beautiful couple..
with the whole team...looking good
...lovely girls...
...adorable flower girls...
...wazaa chema...
a happy bride :-)
..who's next?!
May God protect your marriage always...
..and we wish you all the happiness and joy..
Wedding Bells loves YOU
The Importance of Rituals

Across the world ceremonies or rituals are used to define the more important stages of our lives and a wedding ceremony is the perfect example of one of those stages being at the height of tradition and formality.
From superstition and myth to etiquette, dress and both ancient and modern rituals, wedding ceremonies are steeped in tradition and symbolism.
Many cultures still actively practise ancient traditions or may have adapted some to suit a more modern environment, but nonetheless they still hold the same meaning and importance to those who practise them.
While as a modern society we may have somewhat moved away from some of the more outlandish rituals of stealing a bride away from her family or slapping each other with fish for good luck, it has become very ‘trendy’ of late to incorporate more of the common and meaningful traditions into today’s wedding ceremony.
Adding a ritual to your ceremony can provide the perfect opportunity to include all of your guests or even a select few whom you really want to play a part. Including a ritual is also a great way of blending families in a really unique way and allows wedding guests to actually see something interesting and heart felt.
If you honestly sat down and thought about all of the ceremonies that you have attended (and for me as a celebrant that is one heck of a lot!) they can often all blend into a distant fond memory, but if the couple did something that was unique, different or that evoked in you an emotional response, then chances are this will be a ceremony that will stay with you always.
For me, doing ceremony after ceremony every weekend is a wonderful experience and opportunity to see people from all different backgrounds, but officiating so many ceremonies often leaves them as a bit of a blurr in my distant memory.
There are, however, probably 4 or 5 out of all that I have done that have stuck with me as clear as if they were yesterday and that was simply because they used a ritual or tradition that touched or inspired me and because of that their exchange was etched in my mind forever.
One of these was something I hadn’t seen a couple do before and it was called the ‘silent rose ceremony’.
As I stood with the groom at the front of the assembled guests under a gorgeous flower lined gazebo, the music began playing and the bride appeared at the end of the garden. She walked up slowly on her brothers arm and when she reached the front of the group the groom walked forward and joined her, taking her arm.
Together they walked over to his mother first, and silently handed her a single gorgeous white rose. Nothing was said, they just each kissed her cheek and embraced her and then walked silently over to the bride’s mother and did the same to her. As the mothers were each unaware that this was going to take place they were both sobbing gorgeously and I think every guest including myself had a tear in their eye. The bride and groom then walked back to stand before me and the ceremony began. It was truly one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen done and yet so simple.
I’m not saying that including a ritual or tradition in your ceremony is right for everyone, but if you can find something that suits who you are then you should absolutely go for it. Make sure your ceremony is one that will be etched in your guests memories forever.
For inspiring ideas, don’t forget to look out for our ’52 Rituals/Traditions in 52 Weeks’
The wedding gurus
Wedding Open House Photo Album
Here is a link to the photos that we took at our wedding open house today:
Wedding Open House
I hope you enjoy seeing them all.
Wedding Open House
I hope you enjoy seeing them all.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wedding Don'ts!
I use Google Alerts to see what is being written about Wedding Ministers/Officiants. Tonight a link to an article by Matt Jones/Altavista Journal Staff Writer was on the Alerts list. I have copied it here for you. It is quite the list and most of it is really good, some obvious, and some should be taken with a grain of salt! I have added some comments as well.
"Everywhere you turn, there are lists of things to do on your wedding day.
Well, the Altavista Journal talked to seasoned professionals and they shared things not to do in regards to your wedding. With a combined total of well over 2,000 weddings between them, Teresa Clayton, owner of Glencliff Manor; the Rev. Mary M. Jones, minister of New Bethel United Methodist Church and Motley United Methodist Church; and Roger Blackstock, owner of The Portrait Place, share some tips and tricks from their decades of wedding experiences.
For the bride and groom
•Don't deep dip the bride because your hands are sweaty and you mostly likely will drop her. No bride wants to start her married life that way.
•Don't over do the kiss. The saying is, "You may now kiss the bride." Be discreet and respectful. ( I will interject here a bit. A peck won't do. The kiss needs to be long enough for the photographer to get a good picture. It is a landmark moment and should be in your wedding album. I said "long enough" but that does not meet overly passionate and I am sure you know what I mean!)
(Brides: please wear long lasting lipcolor on your wedding day. There are several brands out there. The kind that won't smear off onto the lips and face of the groom! Also wear waterproof mascara so that you don't have black tear tracts going down your cheeks for your ceremony and photos!)
(Brides: please wear long lasting lipcolor on your wedding day. There are several brands out there. The kind that won't smear off onto the lips and face of the groom! Also wear waterproof mascara so that you don't have black tear tracts going down your cheeks for your ceremony and photos!)
•Don't toss her into the pool. It's not funny. She may laugh, but she won't find it funny.
•Don't drink adult beverages before the wedding. The ceremony should not be held up because you are too sick to make it down the aisle.
•Don't smash cake in each other's face. It's awkward for the guests. It's rude and say goodbye to your hair and makeup.
•Don't just have one pair of high heels for your wedding day. It's a long day and if your feet hurt you aren't going to enjoy it.
•Don't use an aisle runner if you are having an outside wedding. It will just get muddy and wrinkled if the groomsmen even remember to roll it out and, if they do, the bridesmaids will all be terrified of tripping over it. (Aisle runners should not be used on grass or carpet. There is no way to secure it and it becomes a safety hazard. On concrete and wooden floors and decks, it should be taped down ahead of time. The best aisle runner is white carpet. A pretty option is to put rows of pretty flower petals down each side of the aisle.)
•Don't forget to eat the day of your wedding. It's a long day and you will pass out.
•Don't be afraid to say no. It's your wedding day. People can wait to say hello.
•Don't answer your phone. It can wait or they can call someone else or give your phone to someone else so they can answer questions about the ceremony.
•Don't be afraid to delegate. Pick someone else in the wedding party to answer your guests' questions.
•Don't forget your allergies. You may think golden rods are the most beautiful flower ever, but if they make you react, holding that bouquet will not be fun.
•Don't buy the wrong size dress. You are the size you are and if the dress doesn't fit properly, you'll spend all day fidgeting with it.
•Don't forget to check the fit of your clothes. Just because your suit fit a few years ago doesn't mean it still does.
•Don't invite people out of social obligation. It's your day and make sure you have a good time.
•Don't chew gum. It doesn't look good in person or in pictures. If you need to freshen up, sneak a mint.
•Don't invite the minister to the reception for the first time at the ceremony; it puts them in a difficult position.
(This has never been a problem for me. When I am invited, I graciously decline. I may have another wedding I have to go to, or it has been a long day and I want to get home, and wedding food is delicious and high carb and fat and I would weigh 400 lbs. if I went to receptions! Besides, I want you to be celebrating with your family and friends and not taking care of me.)
•Don't let price be your only deciding factor when it comes to photography. You get what you pay for. And know exactly what is included in your package.
(I will add one here. Don't let price be your only deciding factor when it comes to hiring your wedding officiant! Your officiant should be someone who shares your values, someone who is experienced at officiating weddings and can work with you to create the ceremony you deserve, and one in whom you have confidence. Your ceremony is the first event of the big day with your guests and sets the tone for the whole day so it is important to have an officiant who can deliver the ceremony you love with grace and confidence. You know the old saying "You get what you pay for.")
•Don't wait until the last minute to ask a minister to do your ceremony. (Amen here!)
•Don't blindly follow every wedding trend. This is (hopefully) a once-in-a-lifetime event, and you want to create family heirlooms, not trendy photos.
•Don't wait until the last moment to decide who will be escorting the bride.
•Don't forget to check bow ties, zippers and shoelaces.
•Don't procrastinate. Do as much as possible before the day of your wedding.
•Don't forget to check for dry cleaning and price tags.
•Don't close your eyes during the prayer. You can get dizzy. Instead, discreetly bow your head.
•Don't forget the license. (When there is a rehearsal, I have my couples bring the license to me then so I know it cannot be forgotten on the wedding day.)
•Don't forget to pay everyone. It's your wedding and your responsibility.
•Don't forget to include the grandparents. Get them something.
•Don't wait to work out details on the seating.
•Don't forget the rings and know who has the rings.
•Don't fight. A wedding is supposed to be a happy time; plus you have the rest of your life to fight.
For everyone:
•Don't forget to account for traffic. Plan on it being bad. Early is better than late.
•Don't do too much. You are there as guests. Don't be the center of attention.
•Don't include everybody remotely related to the bride and groom in pictures. The photographer should not have to find a spot for the bride's twice-removed fifth cousin on her mother's ex-husband's side.
•Don't be enlisted to be DJ's, directors, caterers, etc. It's a day for you to enjoy as well.
•Don't forget to have scotch tape at the gift table. That way, cards stay with gifts and there is no guessing who got what. (That is a great idea!)
•Don't overindulge. Yes, it's a party and everyone is there to have a good time, but no one wants to have to carry you out of the reception.
•Don't wait. As much as possible, photography should be done before the ceremony; your guests don't want to wait while Great-Aunt Genie is helped up a flight of stairs for photos.
•Don't fake smile for the camera. It's obvious when you do that.
•Don't have a bride's side/groom's side for the ceremony. People are friends with both and they don't want to choose. Besides, it's always lopsided and that looks bad in pictures. (These days the only "sides" are the first, and sometimes the second, rows reserved for family. Everyone else is seated on either side and it is best to fill the seats up from the front, not the back. Blocks of empty chairs look bad in wedding photos--looks like people did not come to the ceremony.)
•Don't ask the photographer about his/her gear or the camera you bought during key moments of the ceremony. They are there to work and capture the moments. Find down time to ask them.
•Don't lock your knees; passing out is not a good look. (I am not worried about how it would "look" if someone passed out, I would have to stop the ceremony for them to be taken care of. I had a bridesmaid pass out once due to forgetting to eat and we stopped and gave her something to eat and drink then resumed the ceremony.)
•Don't assume people know the details of the location of the ceremony. Give them address, location, name and directions to the ceremony.
•Don't forget to say thank you.
•Don't take your cell phone into the ceremony.
•Don't forget logistics of travel, who is driving the cars after the ceremony, how is everyone getting to the next place.
•Don't forget those with special needs. Have a handicap-accessible entrance.
•Don't forget to check and double check the spelling of names and abbreviation of titles.
•Don't bring your dog
Remember to relax and have a good time and, of course, don't be late."
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Table decoration
Mapambo tofauti tofauti na uwekaji wa vitambaa kwenye meza za wageni na ya maharusi... enjoy these few..
Just beautiful...XO
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Stella's Send Off
Sneak peak...
...looking beautiful...
...love the dress style and the colour!
Many Congrats on your Send off...
We love YOU
See Laurie and Matt's Wedding Video!
Laurie and Matt married on January 15, 2012 at The Oaks at Salem in Apex, NC. It was a very heartfelt wedding with both tears and laughter. I call it a "two hankie wedding" because both the bride and the groom needed hankies! Janice Smith with Big Dog Little Bed Productions was there to video the wedding along with TLC "Say Yes to the Dress" videographer, Jill. Janice was gracious enough to send me her wonderful video of the wedding day with permission to post it on my blog. I like her observations of the wedding ceremony on her blog post here. You can read more details about the wedding on my earlier post here.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Consolata and Phili's Wedding
A spectacular wedding between a very beautiful Wedding Bells bride Conso and her sweetheart Phili
Conso is dressed by Wedding Bells...
....she wore a fabulous Kim Kardashian inspired wedding gown made with soft tulle and laces...
...looking absolute fabuloooooous
...with her adorable young bridesmaids...
...picture moments just after hair and makeup...
Je unamkumbuka Conso? alikuwa mshindi wa pili wa miss Tanzania 2010 na Redds ambassodor.. alianzia miss tabata and later miss Ilala.. (katuliaaa nampendaaa sana)
...leaving the salon...
...Church time...
...said their vows...
reception decor...beautiful
champagne..kila meza!
..wakiingia na wimbo facebook... utawapenda hizo style!
...bride and groom waliingia na kitambaa cheupe...
...beautiful cake...
...utampendaje akicheka... so cute!
...the dance...
aawww dancing her mila dance....nice :-)
Picture Moments
The Groom....gentleman
the bride...beautiful
the girls.....gourgeoooous
...the guys...
attitude...love it
...matron wa watoto na team yake...
...fabulous quality dresses...only at Wedding Bells!!
May the Almighty give you joy, good health and a lots of love to one another
Wedding Bells loves YOU
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