Thursday, May 31, 2012

Scola Malinga's Send Off

Beautiful Wedding Bells bride Scola on her send off..

Scola is dressed by Wedding Bells

Looking stunning with fab purple tulle and stones Cinderella wedding gown..

the bride's getting ready... 

Reception decor...beautiful!!


sweeetiest cake..

...Zawadi nyingi sana nikaamua nizikate ila ya mama muhimu :-)


Many congratulations on your Send off Scola

Wedding Bells Loves YOU

A Wedding Goes to the Birds

Well, not quite. 

Darling handmade cake topper "birds"

Check it out.  They are so cute!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Week 15 - The Seven Steps (Hindu)

Welcome to week 15 in our ’52 Rituals/Traditions in 52 Weeks’

A Hindu ceremony, in most cases is quite extravagant and beautiful. It incorporates many different rituals and traditions and is often filled with chanting and Sanskrit blessings that began in a time long ago. This ceremony is known as 'samskara' and in India, it can last days or even weeks.

A Hindu ceremony performed in the Western parts of the world are usually a little less extravagant and last at least two hours.

The central component of a Hindu wedding ceremony  is 'Saptapadi', also called the 'Seven Steps'.

In this ritual the bride’s sari is tied to the groom’s clothing (kurta), or a sari shawl may be draped from his shoulder to her sari. He then takes her, linking his pinky finger with hers and leads her in seven steps around the fire.

While this is taking place the priest or officiant chants the seven blessings or vows for a strong union. These are adapted her in English from the Hindu ceremony:

1. May this couple be blessed with an abundance of resources and comforts, and be helpful to one another in all ways.

2. May this couple be strong and complement one another.

3. May this couple be blessed with prosperity and riches on all levels.

4. May this couple be eternally happy.

5. May this couple be blessed with a happy family life.

6. May this couple live in perfect harmony… true to their personal values and their joint promises.

7. May this couple always be the best of friends.

With each step, they throw small bits of puffed rice into the fire, representing prosperity in their new life together. The action of walking around the fire indicates that they agree to these seven blessings. This is considered the most important part of the ceremony as it seals the bond forever.

A simple and easy way to adapt this into contemporary civil marriage ceremony is to light a traditional fire, or use a large candle or pot of fire that can be placed on a small table beside the bride and groom.

The bride and groom can then take seven steps around the table while the seven blessings are spoken in English.  They can still throw the rice into the fire if using a pot or something large enough.

You do not have to be Hindu to use a ritual such as the Seven Steps in your ceremony. Rituals and Traditions are becoming ever popular with couples all over the world and it is at times difficult to find a ritual that truly means something to you. Explore all of the options and don’t be afraid to incorporate something quite different and unique. It will definitely make your ceremony memorable. As long as you stay respectful to the culture the ritual belongs with the use of it, then it makes for a beautiful experience for all.

The Wedding Gurus xx

Monday, May 28, 2012

Ronda and Mark Get Married at Raleigh Country Club!

The wedding of Ronda and Mark is really special for me. Ronda and I used to work together many years ago, she moved on to a new job, and we had lost touch. So, when she called to tell me she was getting married and wanted me to officiate, I was simply thrilled! I was anxious to meet her fiance, Mark, and her children from a previous marriage, Jonathan and Julia. We met on March 15th to plan their wedding for May 20, 2012. It was short notice and I was so happy I was available. Mark agreed for me to officiate and said he "liked my style!" They were not planning a very big wedding and they wanted the children in it. They chose Raleigh Country Club, a great venue. I love doing weddings with Bonnie Miller there. She and her staff take really good care of their brides and grooms.
It was a beautiful day that Sunday. The temperature was perfect but it was a bit windy.
View of the back of the club from the ceremony site on the green. 
This cake was baked by Not Just Cakes and the flowers provided by Ronda's mother who did the floral decorations.
Bruce Stevenson provided the ceremony music. The photographer for the wedding was Teri Lyn out of Charlotte who was contracted to provide her services by David's Bridal. 
 When the bride's parents were seated, the guys and I entered. 
Julia, daughter of the bride, entered next as our flower girl. 
Jonathan escorts his beautiful mother down the aisle! 
Such a pretty vista and backdrop for a wedding. Notice the clock on the tower says 2:00. We started right on time and the clock reflects that we accomplished what we were going for -- a 20 minute ceremony.
Mark gave Julia a necklace to commemorate the special occasion and said some really sweet words to her. I was impressed that he flawlessly opened the tiny clasp on the first try and got the necklace on without fumbling!
Then it was Jonathan's turn. Mark said some touching words to him and gave him a watch.
Then I told everyone how Ronda and Mark had first met at work back in 2002, were definitely taken with each other, but neither was ready for a relationship. Ronda told me that she also fell for Mark's dog, Mulligan, and often dog-sat for him, which gave them an excuse to keep in touch outside the office. It was not until several years later that Mark approached Ronda agan. They were both amazed that their original feelings were still there. This time they were both ready and soon became a couple.  Last June, Mark proposed at work with two dozen roses and had Ronda's mother and her children there. What a romantic!
 Wrong hand, Ronda!!
Now for the family unity sand pouring where Mark and Ronda poured 1/2 of their sand in separately making 2 layers, then Julia and Jonathan poured theirs in making 4 layers. The fifth layer was the blending of Mark and Ronda's sand symbolizing the union of this family who are so fortunate to have found each other and are so happy to officially be joined together.
 Pronouncement and kiss! (Look at the clock. We are right at 20 minutes!) 
 I introduced them as a family and they all 4 hugged before recessing out.
 Stepping out into their new life and their honeymoon to Cancun.
Bonnie and I congratulating each other on a great wedding well done! Thanks, Bonnie!
Relaxing in the board room before going out to take some photos. Everyone is glad the ceremony went so well and is behind them. It is time to celebrate!
Ronda and Mark, I could tell that the two of you simply adore each other. I know you are so happy together and Julia and Jonathan are two very lucky kids with you for parents. Thank you for choosing me to officiate for you; it was my honor! Let's not lose touch again! 
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