Friday, August 30, 2013

What to ask your Baker

I have been thinking of how to continually add value to this blog and educate brides-to-be so I decided to start the "What to Ask..." series. It's basically useful questions that brides or anyone planning a party should ask prospective vendors when thinking of hiring them. I shall start the series with the Baker/Cake vendor. I hope you find it useful, there are more gorgeous pictures of wedding cakes to inspire you, keep reading and take a look.

Wedding cakes have evolved over time and have become a decor statement piece in their own right. Brides have started pushing the boundaries from extravagant cakes to the more simple but beautifully decorated cake. You may have pictures in a folder of what you want your dream cake to look like, but in the euphoria and or stress of the wedding planning you may forget to ask some important and essential questions. Thats where I Do Weddings come in, to ensure there are no oversights and every 'i' is dotted and every 't' is crossed. Here are some questions to ask when you meet/ speak with your cake provider.

  • Can I see pictures of cakes you've made recently?
Make sure that you see a real life cake or a picture of wedding cake that your baker has made. You can show him/her a magazine clipping and he/she may say it's able to be done. This may or may not be the case so a good way of getting an indication that the baker can indeed make your dream cake is to see pictures of what has been created before. That way, you will get a sense of how creative the person is and whether or not they're skilful enough to create what you want.
  • Is it possible to have a cake that has different flavours in the different tiers?
You may decide you don't like the traditional wedding fruit cake and instead you want different flavours in the different tiers of your cake so that guests have a choice to pick from. For instance, the first tier could be fruit, the second chocolate, the third sponge and the fourth red velvet. 

  • I want a very tall wedding cake, can you provide dummy tiers?
You may want a tall looking cake to match a grand wedding. However knowing the labour time that goes into baking a cake and the cost attached you may wish to add some dummy layers whilst maintaining the overall look and feel. This may be a good question to ask.

  • Will you decorate my cake table?
This question is borne from experience on the job. Watching a decorator and baker argue over whose responsibility it was to decorate the cake table. It's best not to make assumptions so ask your baker if your cake table will be decorated. If so, it may be a cost you can take off your decorators budget. Or perhaps you may want your decorator to be the one to dress your cake table so that it goes with the overall look and feel of your decor. Either way, it's something worth considering.

  • How will the cake be displayed and decorated?
Even if your decorator is decorating the cake table make sure you ask about your cake display. The cake should be displayed on a nice cake stand and if not, at the very least on a board that matches and compliments the cake appropriately. The last thing you want is for it to be put on a foil-covered board. There also may be the option of a mirror or a silver platter just something to make it look pretty. If you like diamante initial monograms then this is a good time to ask your baker if they can provide it, otherwise add to your shopping list.

Decorations: This could be for the baker or decorator. Remember that the finer details add that extra touch. So think of candles, sparklers, nice table linen, fresh flowers, crystals, ribbons, or rose petals etc to beautifully embellish your table depending on your personal style. If combining your cake with fresh flowers or you're having fresh flowers on the table ensure that they are pesticide free for safety reasons as your cake will be eaten.
  • Will you provide a cake knife and is there and extra charge?
If your a detail oriented bride you may have bought your own cake knife (from I Do Weddings) and had it engraved with your names and the date of your wedding. But for the bride who isn't particularly into detail, it's worth asking if a cake knife is provided and what the cost is. If not one needs to be arranged. It doesn't look elegant in pictures when an ordinary knife is used to cut a wedding cake.
  • Will you transport the cake to my venue?
You may think this is a given and it should be, but it's always best to cross check. A small oversight such as this one could mean not having a cake on your wedding day! It doesn't hurt to ask. Find out if your cake will be transported and if theres and extra charge for this.
  • Can I taste a piece of one of your cakes?
As the saying goes 'The proof is in the pudding!.' Needless to say, taste the cake so that you are sure that not only will your cake look nice but it will taste good. If they don't have the particular flavour you want for your wedding it doesn't hurt to order the miniature cake to pick up later so you know what you are getting.
  • Can you make miniature cupcakes for me as well as my wedding cake?
Some people don't get married at a hotel and so don't have anyone to cut up their wedding cake. Having miniature cupcakes in different flavours could be a good way to circumvent having to go through the tedious task of dismantling the cake and having it cut up. Especially if your cake has over three tiers. 
  • Do you make other desserts that I can use at my wedding?
You may be pleasantly surprised at the variety of desserts on offer and it may save you having to go to too many dessert providers for your wedding. Your baker may be able to provide a variety of desserts and you may choose a few other service providers just to add more.

Now feast your eyes on some cake inspiration, I love how our Nigerian counterparts hold their own with international Bakers.

The picture above and below show what was said earlier about having a nice cake stand and not just putting a cake on a foil board.

Cake Factory by K's Craft +2348033118995 +8094263869 Email:

If you want a grand cake with a lot of sugar flowers then it's best to see real life pictures so that you know that the baker can achieve what you want.

Cakes above and below are for the beach inspired weddings.

Cakes by Tosan- 08023137893

Cake by Andy Clark Cakes 08075601312

This is an example of the monogram previously mentioned that one could ask if the baker has.It also shows a simple cake board matching the look and feel of the cake.

Fresh flowers (pesticide free) can provide a grand embellishment. See Sylvia Weinstock at work she takes the pains to decorate her own tables. 

Cake by Buttercup Enterprises 08033341358, Email: 
Picture from Bella Naija website, and photography, Kele Akaniro. For their full wedding feature see 

Just incase you were wondering what the serving suggestions for wedding cakes are, above is a guide. As Nigerian weddings tend to be rather large getting cupcakes or supplementary dessert is a good idea.


So that's it for the first 'What To Ask Series' I hope it has provided value, it will carry on with what to ask other vendors and service providers. Keep checking in on the blog for more. 

THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG GIVEAWAY | Petite Lumière | Brudekjoler og tilbehør


Det er fredag, og dermed duket for FRIDAY GIVEAWAY. Idag er det giveaway med gavekort fra Petite Lumière som premie! Du kan altså være den heldige vinneren av et gavekort på hele 200$, og i norske kroner er det en verdi på ca. kr. 1200.-. Så er du en kommende brud, drømmer om å være brud, eller kanskje en som skal i bryllup, da bør du være med i denne trekningen hvor du kan skaffe deg unike & håndlagde design produkter den stylishe og moderne brud.

"I took a great interest in drawing and designing clothes since I can remember myself, encouraged by my dear mother who sews and knits beautiful things. Following this passion all the way through school, I have studied theatrical design in Tel Aviv Uni. After having a sort of break, for acquiring economics and management BA, and following my own wedding, I finally understood that design is the way of life for me.

Each collection reflects an aspect of my life and personality, but mainly of being an urban romantic to my backbone. Designing collections for modern urban brides is a very exciting process and it places new challenges each time, of how to make the clothes comfortable, stylish and fun to wear."


Enkelt; du gjør bare følgende: 

- Legger igjen en kommentar i kommentarfeltet under her (på bloggen), og forteller oss hvilket produkt hos Petite Lumière du kunne tenke deg. For eksempel kjole, hansker, øredobber, birdcage, hårpynt etc.

- Vinneren av gavekortet hos Petite Lumière på NOK. 1200.- / 200 $ blir trukket, og annonsert her på NWB bloggen fredag den 6. september.




Da er trekningen foretatt av vår GIVEAWAY, som var forrige fredag. Det er boken med stor B, for alle brud & bryllupsfrelste. Boken er skrevet av Abby Larson - grunnleggeren av verdens største bryllupsblogg - Style Me Pretty. Og vi kan skrive under på at boken er et smykke på salongbordet, og ikke minst et smykke for øyet.

Og den heldige vinneren er plukket ut ved hjelp av, og er helt tilfeldig. Nr. 24 i rekken er:
Kristina Rebekka Johannessen

Send oss en epost til norwegianweddingblog(@), med kontaktinformasjon, så vi får oversendt den vakre Style Me Pretty Weddings Boken.

Sist men ikke minst vil vi takke for alle de utrolig fine ordene, og hyggelige kommentarene vi mottok i kommentarfeltet. Det gir oss masse motivasjon og inspirasjon til å fortsette med det vi gjør, og utvikle oss til å bli enda bedre, og inspirere enda mer i tiden fremover. Tusen takk til våre herlige lesere, som er med på å gjøre The Norwegian Wedding Blog til en 'levende' møteplass for den kule, stilbevisste & moderne bruden - Yay! Følg med fremover for enda flere og spennende Giveaways.

Wedding Bells Spa, Salon and Makeup Studio

We are opening our Spa, Salon and Makeup Studio this September. So excited for the expansion. Photos and service packages will be posted soon. Keep watching this space and spread the word. 
Call 0765 738 838 for inquiries.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

10 Ideas to Plan the Perfect Hens Night

1. Ask the Bride First
If you’re looking for pointers on how to plan the perfect hens night, who better to talk to than the bride herself? She’ll either leave it all up to you or she’ll have a few ideas of her own. Either way it’s always best to hash it out first. If she wants to help you plan, add a few extra surprises along the way.

2. Start Early
If you’re planning a hen’s night, day or weekend it’s best to plan well in advance. This will ensure that all the guests are available and you’ll also be less stressed come the big day.

3. Guest List
Again, you should ask the bride before sending out the invites. You might have a few ideas and want to surprise her but it’s best if she knows who’s invited first so that no one is left out.

4. Pick a Date
Once you’ve got the guest list sorted you can start hashing out dates. Have a few options handy and ask around. One of the dates will ultimately be better suited to most people. Unfortunately when planning parties it’s almost inevitable that one or two people won’t be able to make it but always choose a date that fits the bride, VIP’s and majority of guests.

5. Budget
Once you’ve planned the events you should be able to stick to a budget. You can have a great time without spending a whole lot of money. Keep in mind any accommodation, meals, activities etc. It’s a good idea to let everyone know well ahead of time if you need them to chip in.

6. Accommodation
Whether you’re all staying the night in a fancy hotel or you just need somewhere to play party games, you need to plan your accommodation and book well in advance.

7. Activities
Sure there’s the good old pub crawl but that’s not going to fit with every hen. Instead of coming up with traditional hen night ideas think about the hen’s personality and favourite things and come up with some ideas based around that. It’s hard to go wrong with spa treatments and anything that will pamper your hen and guests.

8. Gifts
The hen’s night is the perfect time to give the hen those cheeky gifts for the wedding night and honeymoon period. Why not buy some beautiful lingerie or some bedroom games from Savvi for the hen and her rooster.

9. Dinner
Pick a restaurant you and the girls haven’t been to before. Ask for recommendations and always check the place out before you book. See if there’s a secluded area where the party can reside and always check the wine list.

10. Girls Night
A lot of hens would rather a girl’s night in than a pub crawl. Host a girlie sleepover, complete with pyjamas, sleeping bags, beauty kits, romantic comedies and magazines.

Guest Blogger,
Sandra Worsley

Author Bio: Sandra Worsley is an experienced Australian writer working for Savvi. She often provides great tips on wedding preparations and organising special events.

Rebecca and Andrew Came from England to be Wed in my Wedding Garden!

Rebecca's sister, Sue, called me in June to see if I could officiate the wedding of Rebecca and Andrew while they were visiting from England in August. We settled on the afternoon of August 24, 2013 and in my wedding garden. I wrote a proposed ceremony and emailed it to Rebecca for her and Andrew to review and edit to their satisfaction. The big day arrived and the wedding couple, Sue and her husband, Neil, and their daughter Reanne arrived. The weather was perfect that day.
From left to right: Reanne, her father Neil, bride Rebecca, groom Andrew, Sue sister of bride, wife of Neil and mother of Rianne.
We staged a short processional beginning with Reanne. 
 Then our Matron of Honor, Sue. 
 Now our lovely bride! 
Neil wielded the video camera to capture the entire ceremony on video.
Rebecca and Andrew, thank you for the honor of joining you in marriage! I wish you all the happiness and joy in the world!
To contact me:
Or leave a comment below!


Moderne Engelsk & Finsk Bryllyp av Marianne Taylor - Bryllupsfotograf


Her kommer et bryllup man bare må elske. Stemningen, smilene, gjestene, kyssene, atmosfæren, påfuglene, lokalitetene, omgivelsene i Northbrook Park, bryllupskaken, de lekre detaljene og ikke minst brudeparet. Finland & England; herunder henholdsvis Maija og Davis, ble lykkelig forent nå i sommer gjennom en storslagen feiring, som vi selv kunne ønske vi kunne vært en del av, fordi det ser så utrolig hyggelig ut (og fordi vi gjerne vil gå med stor & flott hatt!). Og det er takket være den fantastisk dyktige - og prisvinnende brylluspfotografen Marianne Taylor Photography, som også er publisert worldwide i kjente magasiner - covere, både online og i printutgaver. NWB forstår godt hvorfor troner høyt opp i sjangeren; hun fanger det ekte så magisk, og akkurat så vakkert og fint som det øyeblikket føles. Så derfor, len deg tilbake og nyt en en moderne Jane Austin roman; fortalt billedlig vakkert.

- Best memory from the day: The ceremony, you can’t explain the feeling of the I do’s until you say them but I found it totally overwhelming and incredible.

- Couples tip to other couples: Enjoy it all. The planning can get intense, but remember everyone who’s there on the day just wants the best for you – if you’re both having a great time, they will too!

- Inspiration behind the celebration: Our whole theme came from my family roots; we used thistles in honour of my late grandfather as my dad’s side is Scottish, which gave us our midnight blue colour scheme, and carried the motif through the details of our day. We also liked the idea of a very natural look, using pine cones from our family home in Finland as table decorations, David made the boxes for the centrepieces from skirting boards and our dear friend Giles Miller made our table plan from his company Giles Miller designs from re-used wood and mirror.

- Why Marianne Taylor: I have always loved her photography, she is very subtle and understated and gets very natural shots. She makes you feel very comfortable on the day and makes you really see the fun side to taking the photographs. Her photos always look so romantic. I didn’t know Marianne was Finnish until we had booked her but this was also a massive help with the Finnish relatives on the day!

FOTOGRAFEN FORTELLER: Maija & David’s wedding day at one of my favourite Surrey venues was full of sunshine and laughter from start to finish. I don’t think I stopped smiling all day, starting from when Maija got into her Romantica of Devon gown and Jimmy Choo‘s, all the way through to one of the most epic first dances ever, and the Hold Tight Band making the dancefloor go crazy at the end of the evening. 

It was the first time we worked with videographer Adam Nicholas and I have to say it was an absolute pleasure. I love working with service providers who realise we all have the same goal, to create a beautiful day and memories for the couple, and that the best way to do that is to work as a big, caring team. Unfortunately that’s not always the case. While on the subject of other vendors, I have to give big ups to Moodies Catering for doing a brilliant job, Fancy that wedding cakes for the stunning tower of a cake, and  To Have & To Hold for the classy stationery.

Northbrook Park really showed us it’s best, and even the peacocks were in a festive mood. Thank you so much Maija & David for having us along for the ride! 

LEVERANDØRER: Bryllupsfotograf: Marianne Taylor // Brudekjole: Dulcia by Romantica of Devon // Sko: Jimmy Choo // Hair & make-up: Mine kjære venner Jenna Forbes og Nicola Riding // Brudgommens Antrekk: Austin Reed // Brudebukett: Deelia Nelson hos Bella Bloom // Blomster: Deelia Nelson hos Bella Bloom // Catering: Moodies Catering // Bryllupskake: Fancy That Wedding Cake // Selskapslokaler: Northbrook Park, Farnham //   Invitasjoner & Trykk: To Have & To Hold // Musikk: Hold Tight Band // Videograf: Adam Nichols   

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