Saturday, May 31, 2014

Darice and Quincy's Sweet Wedding in my Wedding Garden!

Darice and Quincy are the sweetest couple! We made all the arrangements for their wedding on May 24, 2014 in my wedding garden by email so I met them in person for the first time on their wedding day. Of course we included Darice's son, Josh, in the wedding and he was one happy teenage boy!
Josh escorts his beautiful mother from the family room across the deck into the wedding garden where Quincy and I and all their guests eagerly awaited her.
Their photographer, Kate Pope of Craven Creative Photography, is no stranger to my garden. I think she may have done about 5 weddings here now. She is so good to work with and her work is fabulous.
 A couple of latecomers appeared at the gate and I invited them in. 
 Darice and Quincy were so happy to be getting married. Their eyes were filled with love. 
 They made their promises of marriage then it was time for the rings. 
 "With this ring, I marry you and pledge my heart to you." 
Then the family unity sand ceremony.....Josh waits patiently while his mom and Quincy pour in part of their sand. Then he poured his sand in with theirs symbolizing the family unity.
 I was so thrilled to have the privilege of pronouncing Quincy and Darice husband and wife! 
 Such a sweet kiss! I think it was the second or third try though!
 The young lady who stood up for Darice is her niece, Mahogany. 
 During the ceremony we did a blessing for Josh. Quincy said some powerful words to him about how much he loved him and how happy he is to embrace him as his son. Then they gave him a token of their love as a memento of this sweet occasion. it is a necklace with his name, the date and a cross.
 I could tell that Josh was thrilled to have Quincy for his father!
The whole gang! 
Darice and Quincy, you are a fabulous couple. I am so happy that you found each other and are now officially a family of three. I wish you much happiness, contentment, and satisfaction in your lives.
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Friday, May 30, 2014

Brudepikekjoler fra Nicki MacFarlane


Belle Amie har nå fått inn nydelige og vakre brudekjoler fra Nicki Macfarlane i shell pink og sky blue. Romantikk og skjønnhet fanget i silke og tyll. NWB synes de er bedårende vakre, og det er nok flere bruder som ønsker seg slike til sine brudepiker og/eller blomsterpiker. Ønsker du å vite mer om kjolene finner du de hos Belle Amie - Bergen. Du finner også Belle Amie blant våre utvalgte brudesalonger i The Notebook.

Ønsker du å se mer av brudepikekjoler kan du klikke deg inn til Belle Amie sine nettsider.

Foto: Belle Amie - Kristin Aas // Modell: Hanna Aas // Brudepikekjole fra Nickie Macfarlane - London // Styling med blomsterkrans og smykke: Your Love Story - Belle Amie Bergen. 

Why Is Historic a Great Choice?

If you are wondering why chosing an historic venue is a great choice for your wedding reception, you might find some of your answers in this post from our Hawthorne Hotel Daily Diary Blog:  42 Year Ago. . . two great weddings at the Hawthorne Hotel

I hope to see you here.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Jessica and Brent Wed at The Oaks at Salem!

Weddings at The Oaks at Salem are so wonderful! A truly gracious Southern setting with spacious facility and well-groomed grounds conveniently located in Apex. April Maness, the owner, knew what was the perfect venue for weddings when she purchased the property and built the beautiful manor. Jessica and Brent fell in love with it and had their wedding there on Sunday May 18, 2014.
Valet parking service is routine for weddings at The Oaks
A view of the back of the manor house from the side of the lake. The tent on the terrace serves as protection for both rain and intense heat of the sun. April even has lighting and speakers installed within the tent.
Plenty of room for seating of guests for the reception and the ceremony. 
Jessica and Brent had large cookies as wedding favors for the guests and they are all laid out for the taking! 
Just inside the terrace is the bar, food bar and the wedding cupcakes! This lovely configuration is by Bitty Cakes. Thrills from the Grill was catering. Yummy! A Ming Rose was the florist.
DJ Mel Manning was in charge of the music for both the ceremony and reception. Jessica and Brent chose to have their wedding under the tent from the very beginning to avoid everyone sitting out in the sun. Turns out it was seasonably cooler that day with a cloud cover and forecast of scattered showers--which did not happen!
Okay! It is time to begin. Joslin, the wedding director for the venue, cued the music and the processional. You can see her in the background. The seating of Brent's grandmother was first, then his aunt, then the parents of the groom and mother of the bride.
Greg and Justin, the groomsmen entered after Brent and me. 
Here comes the bride and her father!
Jessica bids farewell to her father and joins Brent. 
The tree in the background is the popular spot for some weddings but serves as a nice backdrop for weddings under the tent.
Our lovely bridesmaids witness the ceremony. The maid of honor is Jessica's sister, Lillian. I did not get the other two girls' names but I know the middle one is engaged to Justin, one of the groomsmen. 
It is unusual to get a photo of the guests but it is so telling of the feelings they have for Jessica and Brent. That is Brent's aunt wiping away some tears of happiness. Note up just above Brent's parents' head are a couple--he with glasses and she a blonde with an aqua top. That is Jay and Alyssa whom I married last July at The Cotton Room. I had no idea that Alyssa and Jessica were college roommates. It was so good to see them again. You can view their wedding here.
The blessing of the parents.......
The telling of their story: Jessica and Brent met at work where a lot of love stories begin. Jessica had just been hired and her cube was right next to Brent's so he was the go-to person for all her questions. She said he had immeasurable patience with her. He said he relished in the opportunity to be with her the questions afforded! They never tired of each other and decided to go out to a basketball game after work. Even though Jessica's alma mater UNC beat their opponent, Brent's alma mater NCSU, they had so much fun that the die was cast and there was no looking back.
Brent proposed to Jessica three years later and since then he has earned a graduate degree, they moved to a new city and bought their first house together, all while planning this wedding!
This is where I reveal to each of them what their partner told me in confidence they love about each other. "Brent, along with always letting her try a small bite of your food, killing spiders for her, and many other things, Jessica knew you were a keeper. She loves the way you cackle when you laugh and the way you make her smile...."
They read the vows they had written for each other from my book where the words were printed facing them as they exchanged their rings. 
I pronounced them husband and wife and told Brent he could kiss his beautiful wife! 
Off into the world, they go! 
Photos after the ceremony were on the front lawn. Their photographer, Francis Wong, was getting the family photos so we waited our turn. The couple with Brent's parents, Jane and David.
Aunt Gayle and the groomsmen. 
Jessica's parents, Jinn and liHsia. 
Brent's grandmother, Nancy, is pleased to pose with the couple.
My turn! Jessica and Brent, what a great couple you are. Loved your story and I know you will be happily married ever after! My best for you always.
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