Thursday, February 19, 2009

Special Dietary Request Wedding Reception

Recently we were asked to do an all-vegetarian wedding reception event. For us that is simply no problem! We did it, and our client was thrilled.

We are very happy to honor virtually any special request when it comes to providing just exactly what our clients want when they host a special event.

Vegan, Lacto-Ova Vegetarian, Pescetarian, or whatever -- our chefs are very happy to oblige these kinds of special requests when they are presented by the event planners.

When you see our packages, please understand that the menus are basic guidelines, but are no means the only items we can prepare as part of a package. Talk to us and we will make sure you receive exactly what you need to make your event special. This kind of attention to detail is what sets our catering team apart for most others.

To learn more, simply call us at 978-825-4358.

I hope to see you here.

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