Friday, September 16, 2011

Country Perfect Wedding for Jenny and Chris!

Jenny and Chris met in August 2005 when they were both entering Vet school in Raleigh. After being in a study group together they found they had a lot in common and their friendship turned into a more serious relationship. They officially began dating in October of 2005 and since that time, their relationship has been an adventure from surviving vet school, the board examinations, a year apart while Jenny completed her internship, to closing on their old house and new house 10 days before their wedding date of September 10, 2011. Chris is a biking enthusiast and built a bicycle from scratch while Jenny spent hours in the garage keeping him company. Thus the explanation for their wedding decor!
They borrowed a couple of old rusty bikes from an old bike shop to use as their decorations for the "altar" under the big tree at Snipes Farm Retreat in Chapel Hill.  In the middle is an antique push cart that holds the maple sapling they planted and watered during the ceremony "symbolizing the nourishing of their relationship, like the tree, with words of encouragement, trust and love so that they, like the tree, can grow and reach their fullest potential."
Inside the barn were refreshments and their country-down-home decor. There was incredible attention to detail and I suspect it was the loving care of Leilani, their  friend who also served as our wedding director. She and Chris have known each other since childhood. She did an amazing job and I enjoyed chatting with her. She is a school teacher but could successfully change careers to being a wedding planner any time! Thanks, Leilani!
One of their instructors in Vet school, Dr. Kelli Ferris made and decorated the wedding cake!  It sure looked delicious.
Jenny's niece, Taylor, played the keyboard for the ceremony. She did a really great job! Flowers were provided by Fernrock Farms and arranged by the bride, her mother and sisters. The photographer was Robert Wilson, a family friend. The caterer was Gillis Catering in Chapel Hill.
When it was time to start the ceremony, we shooed the guests out to the ceremony site under the big tree that has hosted oodles of weddings through the years. You could even call it the "wedding tree!"
First in were the groomsmen lead by me. It is a long walk! 
 The guys and I took our positions as Chris was escorted in by his parents. 
The bridesmaids processed in followed by Rachel, our flower girl, and Tyler, our ring bearer. That is Leilani on the left directing everyone in. She did a perfect job. 
Here comes the bride escorted by her parents! 
When Jenny and her parents reached the first row, Chris' parents stood up with him and I asked them for their blessings as Jenny and Chris came to join in marriage. Then everyone was seated. 
The tree planting ceremony......
Following the vows and ring exchange, I made the pronouncement of marriage. 
Introduction of the newlyweds.......
Stepping into the new chapter of their lives!
The Swift Creek Band provided the music for the reception. They sounded great as Dave and I left for the next wedding. I am sure they kept everyone hopping at the reception.
I couldn't choose which photo of the three of us to post so I put both! Jenny and Chris--I was honored to have joined you together in marriage. I know you will have great successes in your careers and in your marriage. Thank you!

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