Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Wonderful Wedding Day for Chrissy and Chris!

Chrissy contacted me over a year before her wedding to Chris slated for October 20, 2012 at Doubletree Suites. I had officiated the wedding of her mother, Ursula, to her stepfather, Richard, back in 2007. I was so honored to officiate for Chrissy and Chris and I knew I would also get to see Ursula and Richard at their wedding. So, we met on 10/20/11, exactly a year in advance, to plan their ceremony. A beautiful ceremony with lots of both sweetness and humor emerged from our joint efforts and we were all excited for the wedding day to arrive. And, it dawned bright and sunny with temps in the seventies! Perfect!
The huge reception area at the Doubletree Suites was ready.
The guests were asked to take a stone with them for the ceremony and infuse them with their blessings then return them after the wedding to be displayed in the couple's home as a reminder of all the love and loved ones on their wedding day.
Old fashioned suitcases are really in vogue these days. They had one for cards and another with a jar labeled "Honeymoon Fund!"
Thumbprint "guest books" are all the rage now, usually a tree image with leaves for thumbprinting. I had not seen this one with a peacock onto which the guests put their thumbprints. I made sure to put mine. Notice the purple and orange color theme?

Each table had a rack and Scrabble tiles spelling out the number! Cute! Love Scrabble too.
What a beautiful cake by Simply Cakes
The Team: On the far right is Amy Acosta with Doubletree. Amy and I have worked together for years. She is so efficient and reliable. Thanks, Amy! In black is Kristen Stoneman of N The Mix Events, our DJ. With her is her assistant, Laura, who is also a full time nurse who likes to get away from it all and go to events with Kristen! Kristen has years of experience as a DJ and is expanding into weddings. She is the only female DJ in the Triangle! She is also a good friend of my daughter who books the music for Piper's Tavern.
Quite popular these days are old windows repurposed for weddings. This one has the table assignments on it. 
It's time to get this show on the road! 
Our little "ring bearer," Dominic, less than 2 years of age, made it all the way down with his father's help. He pointed Dominic toward his mother, the Matron of Honor, and down the aisle he toddled!
Chrissy and her mother entered last. What a pretty pair of women! Both of them my brides!
You may notice the orange strips in the background across the lake. On closer inspection when we went to do photos near the waterfall in the distance behind us, we discovered it is that orange barrier used to cordon off areas. The area used to be all trees and now it looks like someone is going to build there. At any rate, the orange fits right into Chrissy and Chris' color scheme of orange and purple. Especially the groom and groomsmen's orange shoes!
I had fun telling their story. Although they were born only 40 miles apart in New York, they never met until they both moved to North Carolina and worked at the same bar, Chrissy as a bartender and Chris as the bouncer! They secretly noticed each other at work long before they actually met. When they finally met, they discovered they were meant to be together. They both work two jobs  but still find time to have fun and go places. Chris proposed to Chrissy in the Elizabethan Garden on Roanoke Island, how romantic!
The words that they each gave me to describe their love for each other were so sweet and it is clear to all around them that they are very much in love and so happy to finally get married.
I think at this point I had said to Chris as to why Chrissy wanted to marry him: "Chris, you are smart, strong, stubborn and have great facial hair when you let it grow. Do you think that is a hint?" He told me that Chrissy likes him with a beard! 
Dominic got a little fussy, and probably bored, at the ceremony! His daddy took him off to the side and Marty snapped this cute photo I could not resist putting here!
Chrissy and Chris really loved the Celtic ritual of hand-fasting and what it stands for in the Celtic tradition and so we included it in their ceremony.
With their left hands bound by the cord which represents the bond of love, they then clasped right hands, "forming the symbol of eternity blessing their marriage in the eternal ebb and flow of the universe." They made their vows thus bound together.
And then it was time to release their right hands and remove the cord then replace the symbolism of the cord with their rings.

They recessed out then headed down to the waterfall for photographs. The guests were invited to enjoy refreshments on the terrace. Marty and I retrieved my microphone and receiver from Kristen and headed down to the waterfall for photos too.
Of course I had to get a picture of Ursula and Rich! They seem as happy today as they were 5 years ago when I married them! Congratulations to you both!

Chrissy and Chris, finally you are married and can start your new life together creating all those memories and enjoying the happiness you both deserve! Your wedding was delightful! Thank you for choosing me to officiate for you. May you have all the best that life can bring!
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