Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year's Eve Wedding for Lisa and Jason!

Lisa's friend, Jennifer, emailed me a few days before Christmas to see if I was available for and would be willing to do a wedding at midnight on New Year's Eve. Having done this in years past, I told her I was available and would be honored to. She then told Lisa and we began communicating about the wedding. Lisa told me that she and Jason originally planned to be married next October but they were blessed with expecting a little bundle of joy due this coming spring. They thought about just eloping but then came up with the fun idea of being pronounced married at midnight New Year's Eve because they wanted to bring in the new year with lots of love starting a whole new chapter in their lives with their unborn daughter, Brielle. She said that it was their way of being thankful and blessed for what they had been given.  I asked her if she wanted her wedding date to be 12/31/12 or 1/1/13. She chose the latter so it was decided that I would make the pronouncement of marriage one minute after midnight.
If you recall, New Year's Eve was a beautiful night, a bit chilly but not really cold. When I arrived at the house of their friend for the wedding, they had decorated the deck in the back of the house with a pretty trellis and white lights--plenty to read my book from! There were about 5 or 6 good friends gathered including Lisa's brother for the wedding.
Not having remembered to put my watch on, I borrowed Jason's so we could time the pronouncement and you can see it in my hand. I came to the wedding alone but brought my camera with me and Lisa's brother got some great shots of the wedding for me!
We included a blessing for their unborn baby. I asked them to place their hands over the baby then we blessed the precious little girl to be born to them.
After they made their vows to each other, they exchanged rings. Lisa's ring is really special because it belonged to her great great grandmother and some day she will pass it along to her daughter!
Then came the Family Unity Sand Ceremony. They poured in their sand in layers then the baby's sand and covered it with the remainder of their sand. You see the cell phone there? I am not sure but I think Lisa's parents were listening to the ceremony.
We could hear some fireworks going off in the background. I looked at Jason's watch and it was not yet midnight, or so I thought. So we waited a bit then I looked again and discovered that his watch had stopped!
 So, I made the pronouncement of marriage! 
And they are married! Happy New Year and Happy 2013 for Lisa and Jason. They had some sparkling juice we all toasted with to celebrate this very happy occasion. Lisa and Jason, keep in touch and send me a photo of Brielle when she makes her entrance into your happy family!

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