Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Unwilling Children in the Wedding Ceremony!

Apparently this video is making the rounds on the internet. It is all too familiar to me! Screaming flower girl

It was posted on America's Funniest Videos but believe me, it was not funny to the poor little girl, or to her parents. The younger flower girl that came in behind her holding the hand of the embarrassed ring bearer did just fine. That shows the total unpredictability of involving very young children in a wedding processional. Walking down an aisle with a hundred or more people watching you is not within the natural repertoire of a 2 year old, nor can they grasp the reason they are being asked to do that, yet they are asked to do just that. And practicing at the rehearsal does not help one little bit because even though the aisle is there, all those people are not. 

I had a wedding a few years ago in which the little flower girl was making it very clear she did not want to walk down the aisle. In fact, she sat down in the middle of the aisle crying while her insistent father was trying to jerk her into a standing position. It was not pretty and her walk down the aisle should have been aborted at her first protest. 

Do think twice, or three or more time, brides, before you involve small children ages 2 and under to do something that they just cannot grasp the meaning of like walking down the aisle with a basket of petals to throw on the floor! 
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