Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy Wedding for Jennifer and David and Their Sons!

It was Monday July 15th when Jennifer called to see if I could marry her and David in my garden the following Saturday, July 20, 2013. We set a time for 3:00 and I sent her a proposed ceremony to make any changes they wanted and email back to me. She and David each have a son they are raising and wanted to make sure they were included in the ceremony. I suggested a sand ceremony and although she was not keen on that she did not know what else there was. So I included in the ceremony a "children's blessing" in which the boys are told how important they are, how much they are loved, and how they will always be there for them. And they could give them a memento to remember the day. Jennifer and David worded the ceremony the way they wanted, chose their vows and we were set. 
Saturday arrived and it was HOT and HUMID--but not raining! And some mosquitos thought they would snack on us too! Jennifer's mother, Sherry, her Aunt Melissa and Uncle Joe were present as guests and witnesses. David's son Mikael and Jennifer's son Ted were color coordinated and really excited for this day.
No, that is not my new hairdo! The humidity makes my hair get the "flippies," as my hairdresser Randy calls them!
Jennifer told me that it was actually the two boys who brought them together. Ted and Mikael were a bit shy about all the attention during the ceremony (but were also anxious to get their gifts). Little boys are not nearly as easy to shop for like little girls who are into jewelry, but Jennifer and David found bracelets made of bicycle chain and dogtags for the boys which were perfect!
"David, let's see that kiss!" as I rang the bell in the arbor and stepped to the side. 
 What a kiss!!!
 Bubbles for the newlyweds!
Jennifer and David, you are a delightful couple and have a wonderful blended family now. I know you are going to be so happy together! I wish you all the best life can bring you!
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