Saturday, October 26, 2013

Allison and Andrew's Wonderful Wedding at the Matthews House!

Allison and Andrew have known each other for a long time! They met their junior year in high school in New Jersey when Andrew's family moved there from New York and he was the "new boy at school." They hit it off as friends right away but shortly after graduation, Allison's parents moved to Virginia. They both went off to separate colleges and pursued advanced degrees, all while just keeping in touch and seeing each other from time to time but not as a couple! The first spark of more than friendship occurred in January of 2011 when Allison visited Andrew, but nothing more than some glances and low key flirting. It was when Andrew traveled to Greensboro NC to visit Allison and take her to the law school prom (first I knew of law schools having proms!). They shared their first kiss that night and by the time the weekend ended, they decided that they were perfect for each other--something their friends had known all along! It was long-distance romancing until February of 2012 when Andrew landed a job in Raleigh and he moved here while Allison was madly studying for the bar exam which she passed, of course! He proposed 8 months later. They chose the date of October 12, 2013 and the lovely Matthews House for their venue. 
Doing a sound check before the ceremony and chatting with Kelley Kennedy who owns Teacup Floral. I met Kelley last year at several Professional Wedding Guild networking luncheons and was so impressed with her originality and fresh ideas. She was a fashion designer in New York for many years before she and her husband decided to move south and start a family. She told me that although she worked in fashion design, floral design was her real passion! I referred Allison and Andrew to Kelley and I was delighted that they hired her.  
Our DJ Lenny Fritts with Touch of Class DJs has his portable set up on the porch into which I plug my microphone. The weather that day was very overcast and threatening rain but his equipment was protected. But I have discovered through the years that when the air is full of moisture and even when slightly spitting rain, the colors are really saturated and brilliant. Great for wedding pictures!
Lenny and I work together a lot. In fact, he and the Matthews House had referred the couple to me!
Kelley became a mother last year and after we spoke earlier, she went to get her adorable little girl who was in the car and so I could meet her! I thought it was wonderful that this flower professional named her daughter Magnolia Rose! Maggie for short. Isn't she adorable? And such a happy baby!
The tables were so well color coordinated and I love the mason jars with flowers that looked like they had just been plucked from a flower garden.
Instead of a wedding cake, Allison and Andrew chose to have Wedding Pies! Looks scrumptious! These were made by the Matthews House baking staff.
The aisle was decorated with hanging blue mason jars full of flowers and a clump of dusty miller at the foot of each chair.
We actually started this ceremony early. The rain looked impending and since all the guests were there, having been bussed from their hotel, we said let's go! First in are the parents--these are the parents of the groom.
Preeti Waas, manager of the Matthews House, was our very capable wedding director. Here she cues in the entrance of the mother of the bride escorted by her son.
 Bridesmaids in the lovely cobalt blue were next in. 
Now for our beautiful bride and her proud father!
After the opening prayer, we gave tribute to the couple's parents who are standing to receive and give their blessings.
 Andrew's sister, Rebecca, shared words from Ecclesiastes. 
And now for their story! Many of the guests had not heard the complete story from beginning to now so it was a lot of fun and laughs.
They had written their own vows and they were printed in my book for them to read to each other. But, Andrew surprised us all and had memorized his. He did not look down once for a prompt!
Allison was blown away and mouthed to Andrew that she had not memorized hers! 
Andrew and Allison, you were a pleasure to work with and I am honored that you chose me to help you tie the knot after all these years! I wish you a lifetime of happiness and contentment!
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