Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Katie and Charlie Have a Wonderful Wedding at Coker Arboretum on August 28, 2010!

Charlie and Katie are the sweetest couple. I enjoyed working with them so much and got to know them in the process of putting together their "story" for the ceremony. I also appreciate Charlie telling me at the rehearsal and at the wedding how comfortable they both felt with me handling the ceremony. I also enjoyed the rehearsal and working with their attendants who paid attention, refrained from chatting with each other, and focused on learning their parts in about 35 minutes. I think it was the fastest rehearsal I've done in a long time because of that and I applaud them! They did their duties perfectly on the wedding day and everyone really enjoyed being there for Charlie and Katie. Coker Arboretum in downtown Chapel Hill is a beautiful setting for a wedding. I have done many through the years there. Most of them are set in between these two huge oak trees. There are a couple of disadvantages to this venue though--the limited parking spaces on the street (no parking lot) and lack of bathroom facilities. So, weddings there must be planned accordingly. Also there is no power there so I bring my battery to power my sound system.
 The Daniel Parish Band from Wilmington NC played for the reception. Daniel (on right) and one of his musicians played acoustic guitar for the ceremony. They were quite nice to work with and were very familiar playing for wedding ceremonies.
There was one glitch in the plans that delayed the start time. The boutonnieres and mother of the groom's bouquet had been forgotten back in the hotel room. A quick call to Daniel, one of the photographers, who was on his way from the hotel, succeeded in his retrieving them and bringing them with him to the arboretum. The hold up was that he could not find a place to park and had to circle around and around. Just as we decided to start without flowers, he arrived and we quickly pinned them on the guys and got started!  Many thanks to Michael and Daniel of Sanford Creative for their photography and flower delivery! The lovely lilies were provided by The Dutch Iris Florist. In the photo above is Kathy, friend of the family, who served as our wedding director. She got everyone lined up in order behind the bushes and made sure the bridal party entered in regular intervals and cued the music changes.
The wedding party is in place and we are waiting for Katie's entrance.
And here she and her father, Willie, come. She was excited and I think Willie was a bit nervous!
Down the aisle to Charlie, waiting for Katie. 
They had about 150 guests. It was a large crowd. They had brought small bottles of water and some ice but ran out.
Tana, Katie's sister and maid of honor, got the sniffles too, so I passed her a hankie as well as one to Katie. (Tana also made the wedding cake for Katie and Charlie. What a wonderful sister!) Charlie and Katie's story is so sweet and I got to share it with their guests. They both graduated in the same class at UNC but never met until they both got jobs with the same bank, different branches, and then their paths crossed. Charlie was attracted to Katie's laughter and she was attracted by "his baby face and knew that he would be as sweet as sugar!" The attraction was undeniable from the beginning and soon they were a couple.
Charlie is putting the ring on Katie's finger and repeating his vows after me, line by line.
It is Katie's turn to put the ring on Charlie as Jefferson, the best man, looks on with a happy grin.
Blurry photo but it shows the moment of the pronouncement that Charlie and Katie became husband and wife. Marty did not get a shot of the kiss because the photographer was right in front of them getting a great shot for them.
Marty told me that as they exited the ceremony she heard Katie say "We're married" over and over!
And, out they go with the photographer and a wave to Kathy whose job is done!
Katie and Charlie, what an amazing couple you are. I was quite comfortable and had fun working with you and especially preside over your wedding ceremony. I wish you loads of happiness and a satisfying joyful marriage. Take care of Petey, Peyton and Eli! (Their chihuahuas who really would have loved to be with us on this wedding day!)
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