Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wedding at All Saints Chapel for Sandy and Todd!

Sandy and Todd fell in love with All Saints Chapel and wanted to get married there with closest family and friends on August 21, 2010. Their reception was at Second Empire. I met with them last November and we signed a contract and I sent them all the material from which to create their ceremony. When I arrived at the chapel on Friday for their rehearsal, I met Debbie, a new member of the staff at All Saints Chapel, who was on duty for this wedding and extremely helpful. 
 Here Debbie is pinning the corsage on Todd's mother. April Sirit with Evoke was our photographer.
Matthew Kanon was on hand to provide the couple's selection of music. Always a pleasure to work with Matt!
The couple had a theater theme and this is the billboard that greeted their guests when they arrived. Sandy made lovely wedding programs that also reflected their theme.
When it was time and all the guests were there, we began with the seating of the mothers, entrance of the groom and groomsmen and me, then the bridesmaids followed by the bride and her proud father! That is Todd's Aunt Sally in the background. When Sandy's sister could not be at the rehearsal due to a work conflict, Sally stepped in and did a fine job of directing this wedding. Thanks, Sally!
The altar was filled with beautiful floating candles provided by Fresh Affairs and created a very soft and romantic glow against the dark wood of the altar.
 After the vows and the ring exchange, Sandy and Todd included the wine and chocolate ceremony. The wine was the same pinot grigio that they celebrated with on their engagement in 2009. The glass was "borrowed" from their favorite restaurant in Savannah, and the chocolate was Godiva, the first gift Todd had given Sandy.  The words in the ceremony were: "The years of life will have some hardships and disappointments, of which this bitter wine is a symbol, remember to forgive the frailties of one another. Bear together life’s adversities and be confident that the good will always return.The years of life have indeed, much happiness, joy, hope, healing and goodness, of which this sweet chocolate is a token. We ask that you eat of it together, and as you do, earnestly seek the power and wisdom to use all the pleasure and prosperity that may come to you, with gratitude, modesty, and sympathy for all those less fortunate than yourselves."
The pronouncement was made, the kiss enjoyed, and the newlywed couple step into their new life together as husband and wife!
Doesn't Todd's smiley smirk look like the cat who swallowed the canary? They were so happy to be married after meeting exactly 6 years ago on this, their wedding day! Congratulations and all the happiness and contentment in the world!
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