Friday, September 10, 2010

Fabulous Wedding for Jonell and Scott on the Rooftop of Solas!

Jonell and Scott contacted me last May about officiating their wedding.  They wanted a wedding but did not want to get caught up in the "swirl" of it all and decided to do things a bit differently and definitely "out of the box." They chose a non-traditional setting where they could really celebrate with their closest friends and family who were coming in from all across the country for the big day. So, on Sunday September 5, 2010 of Labor Day weekend on the Rooftop of Solas, a restaurant, lounge and bar in downtown Raleigh in the area known as Glenwood South they got married. Together the three of us created a very unique and fun ceremony for them that also incorporated their strong faith. 
This is the area set aside for the "altar" and a commanding view of the city of Raleigh looking north towards Peace Street. Here the sunshades are retracted. The area has sofas and chairs with lots of low tables and pretty plants. So comfortable.
Jonell was getting ready in the lounge of the second floor where the guests would come for dinner after the ceremony. They were invited for cocktails on the rooftop an hour before the ceremony began.
Scott and I were waiting in the first floor bar for Amanda with Solas to come get us when it was time to begin. Scott was a bit nervous which is natural. I would worry a bit if the groom was not nervous! I told him I would calm him down once the ceremony started and he would be fine. And he was, no sweat!
Here we go down the "aisle" as it was! 
Jonell's friends from Minnesota provided the music for the ceremony. 
After Scott and I came in, Scott's mother was escorted in by his brother. Then Daniel, our best man, escorted Jonell's mother in, then stepped over to join us. Then it was time for Margaret, Maid of Honor, to process in. 
And now, here comes the bride with her father, Roger. She is so beautiful. Also her dress was amazing. It had diagonal swirls of wispy fabric that flowed and floated so easily around her. 
I could see out of the corner of my eye that Daniel had his hands in his pockets. When we have rehearsals, I tell the guys that is forbidden! But, since we did not have a rehearsal, he simply did not know and did what all men do when they don't know what to do with their hands--put them in their pockets. Women should be so lucky to have pockets! And, since I had on a microphone, I did not want to say anything to embarrass him!  It's okay, Daniel! Jonell and Scott probably never noticed. They were completely focused on each other and that is how it should be! 
This is how it looked. Note that the sunshades had been drawn for shading from the sun. The weather was just perfect for this wedding. A really nice spot for a wedding! 
Telling the story of how they met was so much fun. They actually met on Jonell had a lot of trepidation about this impersonal system of meeting someone without being able to sense their energy but her friends pushed her into it. They both were transplants to the area and wanted to meet some friends. Scott was prepared with a plausible exit plan on their first date in case it didn't work out. But it really, really did work out! They are so compatible and have truly found their soulmate in each other! I was so thrilled to marry them. 
Celebrating their marriage with a kiss! 
Here they are folks, the newlyweds!
Jonell and Scott, what a great wedding you planned--your way!! Everything worked very well, just as I knew it would. Have a wonderful marriage and many exciting adventures along the way!
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