Monday, September 27, 2010

Kathryn and Brett Wed at Yates Mill County Park!

Kathryn and Bret wanted a simple, no frills wedding. They chose Yates Mill County Park on Lake Wheeler Road for the setting. It is a fairly new park and is very nice. The patio in the back overlooks a nice wooded area in front of the lake.  Kathryn called me the end of August about officiating for them and we made all the arrangements via email and USPS. So, I actually met them for the first time on their wedding day.
 I don't know their story but they both were born and probably grew up in the same small town in Oregon so they are far away from family except for their sisters, Sarah and Sara, who served as their witnesses. Tori McKoy was on hand as the photographer.
And so it is, they are married! They had a chocolate wedding cake and champagne to celebrate.  Just as they were popping the cork, Marty and I left to go to Highgrove for the next wedding of the day. Congratulations, Kathryn and Bret!
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