Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lovely Autumn Wedding for Sam and Ric at Optimist Club Farm in Apex!

Sam and Ric wanted a casual fun wedding surrounded by their friends and loved ones. And, that is exactly what they planned for October 1, 2011. They met back in 2007 at a World Series party hosted by their friend Todd who thought that they should get together. Although they had noticed each other at work, they had never really met until the party. Todd's matchmaking intuition was right on! These two found that they fit each other like old worn jeans and everything was in sync. They told me they are best friends and that the sum of their parts really does exceed their individual strengths. They feel truly blessed to have found each other. They hired me sight unseen via email and we began crafting their special ceremony. Later on we met in person and knew we were a good match too. They brought along Sam's daughter Katie and her son Kendall who were their only attendants in the wedding. I could tell the kids thought that this marriage was a great idea! The day of the wedding, I was on Facebook and saw the above banner announcing their wedding. I made sure that I got a photo of it for this blog. 
I had never been to Optimist Club Farm  in Apex. It is a beautiful site with a clubhouse and a gentle slope to a pretty lake and lots of land in the back for parking. We were all set up for the guests to arrive.
On the porch the tables were covered and decorated. Everything was ready inside too. The Cupcake Bar set up the table of sweets. Another table held the place cards and some foam drink holders for the guests. There was a wishing tree where the guests wrote a wish for the couple and hung it on the tree.
I brought my copper-colored table for the Family Unity Sand Ceremony and placed it among the pretty chrysanthemums up front.  Then it was just a matter of time before the guests got there. Beverly Harmon with B.E.S.T. Hair Designs was doing Sam's hair. Backyard Bistro was grilling in the back yard. John Hensley with Anything Music was our DJ and had the music playing. Friends of the couple, David and Cheryl Williams with Painted Pixels Photography, were snapping photos everywhere. The flowers came from the NC Farmer's Market.
Kendall holding the ring box and Katie entered to take their places up front. Purple was the color!
Here come the bride and groom escorting each other down the aisle to take their relationship to the next level--marriage! The music they chose for their entrance was "Stuck in the Middle with You," just a little hint to the fun couple that they are.
When they got down front, they turned and faced their guests and I said: "There is an old tradition that the elders, or the wise ones of the tribe or family give the beloveds to one another as an acknowledgement of their support for this union. I believe all of you here qualify as the tribe of Ric and Sam. So, please all answer “We do” when I ask, “Who has the privilege of presenting this woman, Sam, to this man, Ric?” Of course they all shouted "We do!"
We acknowledged Katie and Kendall and how important they are in this marriage.
You can't tell in the pictures but it is really windy and our hair is flying all around! So much for the hairdos!
"Walking on Sunshine" played as we all recessed. 
Ric and Sam, Kendall and Katie, I know you are all so thrilled to be officially one big family now. May you have a wonderful life together with love and abundance!
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