Friday, November 29, 2013

Beautiful November Wedding for Tammy and Jeff in my Wedding Garden!

Jeff called me last night--Thanksgiving evening--and asked if I could possibly perform a wedding ceremony this morning (November 29, 2013) for him and Tammy. Their plans to go to Charlotte tomorrow to get married were just not working out as planned and friends had traveled all the way from New York for their wedding. So they needed to work something out. I was very happy that I had the morning free and that the weather was going to be quite decent for an outdoor wedding in my garden. So we pulled it off and it was simply grand!  
When Tammy and Jeff and their families and friends arrived, I learned that they had been high school sweethearts in their hometown of Dunkirk, NY. They went their separate ways afterwards, married and had children, but those marriages did not endure. Tammy found Jeff on Facebook and contacted him and they were delighted that they were both single again. They picked up where they left off so many years ago with led to this wonderful day. This is a resounding theme in many weddings I do and I adore being part of these "re-found" loves! 
Since I had not met them or learned their story ahead of time, nor did I know they both had children, their ceremony was simple yet heartfelt. I did ad lib a children's blessing for their wonderful and thrilled children!
 I stepped aside and rang the bell while they kissed and hugged. 
 Their sweet dog, Mojo, was there with her pink bow on to be a part of the wedding!
Tammy's best friend forever and her daughter came down from New York. They had originally met in London when their exes were working together and have daughters the same age so they are really considered family too. Their friendship continues although there have been many changes through the years. That's such a sweet story!
Tammy and Jeff, congratulations! Finally you are together! Your life journeys have prepared you for your paths to cross again and this time converge. I am so happy for you both and your children! I wish you all the best!
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