Monday, November 4, 2013

Beautiful Raleigh Rose Garden Wedding for Erin and Jeff!

Erin and Jeff are madly in love and it really showed at their wedding! Erin is the founder of Master Dater Speedating and is an expert in helping couples find each other but up until a little more than a year ago, she had not yet found her soulmate. When she and Jeff's paths crossed on September 7, 2012 after a long and complicated journey to find love, they knew they were a perfect match and it did not take them long to decide to marry and set a wedding date. They love the Raleigh Rose Garden and chose the date of October 25, 2013. The celebration included just family and close friends, a gathering of about thirty for the ceremony, followed by a much larger party afterwards at Solas on Glenwood.
So, why the photo of my boot, you may ask? Well, the wedding day dawned on the chilly side and so I donned my favorite pair of boots--old but fairly dressy in black patent. As I was walking across the grassy area of the garden, the sole of my right boot separated from the shoe and I could  not walk without goose-stepping--a little like wearing flippers on dry land. Our honorary wedding director, Tiffany saved the day!! She ran to her car and got two black rubber hair bands and they fit perfectly around my shoe to hold the sole on. A temporary fix but when I went to the shoe repair shop after the wedding to see if they could glue the boot back together, we discovered it really would not be a permanent fix so, I tossed them!
With my shoe held together, Dave and I got my sound system set up and did a sound check. The gardens were beautiful in the crisp fall air and all the guests had arrived.
Meantime, we were all wondering where the bride and limo were! Then we found out they were running late because upon entering the limo, Erin's dress rubbed up against something and she had a black mark on her dress. Not to worry though because Jenny, costume designer with Raleigh Little Theater, was on hand and had just the right tools to rid the dress of that spot. So Erin was whisked inside the lobby where Jenny went to work and the spot was OUT! Ironically, I married Jenny and her husband, Steve, on 10/10/10 at Caffe Luna. Here is the link to their wedding!
Mother of the groom, Christine, Tiffany (wedding director) and I are having fun talking about wedding adventures before we started.
So, once the limo was in place, it was time to get started.
Our bridesmaids in the prettiest shade of red followed by the bride, took their places in the line-up for the processional.
Tiffany got the parents ready to go once I started the music up front.
Erin and her father, Dale, made the long walk down the "aisle" for the ceremony.
This photo courtesy of the couple. I presume that their friend Victoria took it. Thanks!
Erin and Jeff, congratulations on finding each other to share your love and your lives! I wish you all the happiness in the world.
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